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School Librarian

Mibelle B. Obrial

The Learning Resources Center provides materials related to academic subject fields, to child and adolescent learning and psychology, and to professional knowledge that supports the school's and various programs' curricula.

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Access eLibrary USA

Open Educational Resources

DepEd Commons

For our Faculty members, to request books and other learning resources of our friendly Librarian, just fill out the Faculty Borrower's Form.

For our Students, to request books and other learning resources of our friendly Librarian, just fill out the Student Borrower's Form.

To get access on digital collection of trusted information resources from American public libraries, the U.S. Department of State generously offers this service.

Freely accessible, openly licensed text, media, and other digital assets that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessing as well as for research purposes.

An online educational platform created by the Department of Education for public and private school teachers and learners to have access to free and quality learning resources.

A web application that contains higher education course materials in text, media and other digital assets that are useful for teaching, learning and research purposes.

This service of the Department of Education serves as a repository of and provides access to quality learning resource materials.

PHL CHED Connect

DepEd LR Portal

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